The Mobile App for Marine Assessment (MAMA)

The Mobile App for Marine Assessment (MAMA)

A vital component of the Gulf of Mexico Citizen Science Program is the Mobile App for Marine Assessment (MAMA). We will recruit and train citizen scientists in the use of this app, allowing them to document a variety of natural resource issues that could be important to scientists and coastal residents in general.

Anglerfish                                Bigeye                             Spotted Eagle Ray



MAMA will allow Gulf Coast citizens and visitors to a.) upload photos, measurements, GPS locations and other data regarding specimens they have captured, observed, and identified b.) submit photos of endangered/unusual specimens of fish and other marine creatures for identification, c.) track the abundance and health of fish species of interest seasonally and regionally, d.) document invasive species in Gulf waters, and e.) monitor changes in the health of coastal ecosystems and shoreline erosional changes. The curated long-term data set would be available to researchers and resource managers for scientific management. A database of this type can be an invaluable resource for assessing changes in the health of Gulf of Mexico ecosystems. The University of Mississippi (UM) and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) will collaborate to develop and launch the program while engaging with the public to ensure the success of the initiative.

Butterflyfish                                                    Green Sea Turtle